

质谱大数据平台 医用智能材料平台



社会兼职:中国生物医学工程学会理事,中国青年科技工作者协会理事,中国人工智能学会人机融合智能专委会常委,中国自动化学会控制理论专委会委员; 校(院)欧美同学会副会长, 区政协委员(无党派人士)。

曾任澳洲国立大学终身教授,科廷大学冠名讲席教授, 澳洲工程院(IEAust) Fellow。目前在智能医学与数字健康领域的基础科学和关键技术方面开展前沿探索性研究。在人工智能、控制与机器人、数字医学等领域的重要期刊发表SCI论文90余篇,其中45篇发表在行业顶级期刊Automatica和IEEE会刊如TNNLS/TAC/TRO等;已主持(参与)国家自然科学基金5项(含重点类项目2项),海外国家级基金10余项,获得过国际和国家级学术科技奖励近10项;取得发明专利10余项;作为唯一华人学者获得2019年澳大利亚科学院-国家级学术荣誉奖励:约翰-布克奖章(AAS John Booker Medal)。在国内外多所高校共指导培养硕士研究生18人,先后培养博士研究生毕业生21人,博士后10人,其中5人次获得国家级青年人才称号或奖励,多人已成为双一流院校正教授或获得海外终身教职。注重学科交叉,先后获得理工医三个学科门类的四个一级学科的博士招生资格。


AI & Bioinformatics

1.Shaowei An, Ruimin Wang, Miaoshan Lu, Chao Zhang, Huafen Liu, Jinyin Wang, Cong Xie, Changbin Yu*, MetaPro: an integration web-based metabolomics anallysis platform, Metabolomics 19, 57 (2023).

2.Ruimin Wang, Miaoshan Lu, Shaowei An, Jinyin Wang, Changbin Yu*, 3D-MSNet: a point cloud-based deep learning model for untargeted feature detection and quantification in profile LC-HRMS data, Bioinformatics, Volume 39, Issue 5, May 2023

3.Jian Song, Changbin Yu*, Alpha-Tri: a deep neural network for scoring the similar ity between predicted and measured spectra improves peptide identification of DIA data, Bioinformatics, 2022, pp. 1-7. (Advance Access).

4.Jian Song, Changbin Yu*, Alpha-XIC: a deep neural network for scoring the coelu tion of peak groups improves peptide identification by data-independent acquisition mass spectrometry, Bioinformatics, 2022, 38(1): 38-43.

5.Jinyin Wang, Miaoshan Lu, Ruimin Wang, Shaowei An, Cong Xie, Changbin Yu*, StackZDPD: a novel encoding scheme for mass spectrometry data optimized for speed and compression ratio. Sci Rep 12, 5384 (2022).

6.Miaoshan Lu, Shaowei An, Ruimin Wang, Jinyin Wang, Changbin Yu*, Aird: a computation-oriented mass spectrometry data format enables a higher compression ratio and less decoding time, BMC Bioinformatics, 2022, pp. 23-35.

Control & Optimization

7. Huifen Hong, Changbin Yu, Wenwu Yu, Adaptive Fixed-Time Control for Attitude Consensus of Disturbed Multi-Spacecraft Systems with Directed Topologies, IEEE Tran on Net work Science and Engineering, In Press, 2022.

8.Yun Luo, Chun Cheng, Yuke Li, Changbin Yu*, Opinion formation with zealots on temporal network,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (98) 2021,105772.

9.Changbin Yu, He Wang, Wenwu Yu, Distributed average tracking problem under directed nerworks:a distributed estimator-based design, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 2021,2325-5870 (c).

10.Yuanqiu Mo, Lanlin Yu, Changbin Yu*, Global asymptotic stability of a general biased min-


1.国自然区创重点 智能机器人云脑基础理论与关键技术研究,258万(参与),2021.11-2024.11

2.国自然国合项目 《网络化事件触发自主多智能体系统的控制与优化研究》,180万,2018.1.1-2020.12.31

3.国自然面上项目 《基于有向刚性图论的多智能体编队控制研究》,80万,2014.1.1-2017.12.31

4.济南市校融合发展战略工程项目 精准诊疗大数据及云计算软件实训平台及课程建设项目,100万,2021.12-2022.11

5.杭州市重大科技创新项目 高动态环境下工业车辆无人驾驶技术及集群控制,200万,2018.12-2021.12


