






1990/09-1993/03, 哈尔滨工业大学,自动控制系,硕士,导师:刘生才教授

1986/09-1990/07, 哈尔滨工业大学,自动控制系,本科


2006/03-2022/03,悉尼科技大学(QS全球排名第133, 全球年轻大学排名第9),信息与工程学院,生物医学工程系,历任讲师、高级讲师、终身副教授


1.澳大利亚国家食品安全合作研究中心 (Food Agility CRC),可信鱼类来源和质量跟踪系统 (Fish Provenance and Quality Tracking System), 2019/01-2021/03, 300万元, 已结题, (澳大利亚国家级重点支持项目,主持其中的智能识别气味专题)

2.澳大利亚工业界合作课题(Biorithm Pte Ltd), VANIE - 用于远程产前胎儿监测的新型非侵入式胎儿心电图监测仪的验证:COVID-19 的优先事项 (VANIE - VAlidation of Novel non-Invasive fetal ECG monitor for remote antenatal fetal monitoring: a COVID-19 priority), 2021/01-至今, 60万元, 在研,负责工程方面的研究

3.澳大利亚工业界合作课题 (Lam Fai Yuen Trust), 具有混合人机界面的中风康复系统 (Stroke Rehabilitation System with Hybrid Human Machine Interface), 2016/01-2021/06, 50万元, 已结题,主持


1.Zhang, M., Li, H.*, Pan, S.*, Chang, X., Zhou, C., Ge, Z., and Su, S. W.*. (2021). One-Shot Neural Architecture Search: Maximising Diversity to Overcome Catastrophic Forgetting. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2021, 43(9):2921-2935

2.Huang, Y., Song, R., Argha, A., Celler, B. G., Savkin, A. V., and Su, S. W.* (2021). Human motion intent description based on bumpless switching mechanism for rehabilitation robot. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2021, 29: 673-682

3.Wang, L., Zhang, T., Ye, L., Li, J., and Su, S. W.* An Efficient Calibration Method for Triaxial Gyroscope. IEEE Sensors Journal, 2021, 21(18):19896-19903

4.Uddin, M. B., Chow, C. M., Ling, S. H., and Su, S. W.* (2021). A novel algorithm for automatic diagnosis of sleep apnea from airflow and oximetry signals. Physiological measurement, 2021, 42(1), 015001

5.Zhang, M., Li, H.*, Pan, S.*, Lyu, J., Ling, S., and Su, S. W.* (2021). Convolutional Neural Networks based Lung Nodule Classification: A Surrogate-Assisted Evolutionary Algorithm for Hyperparameter Optimization. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation. 2021, 25(5):869-882

6.Yu, H., Ye, L., Guo, Y., and Su, S. W.* (2021). An Effective In-Field Calibration Method for Triaxial Magnetometers Based on Local Magnetic Inclination. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021, 70: 1-9


1.Su, S. W. (3/6); iAwards(澳大利亚新南威尔士州商业和工业解决方案 iAward NSW),澳大利亚新南威尔士州 (State of New South Wales, 2020)

2.Su, S. W.(1/4);智能遥控外骨骼机器人,2020年UTS Techcelebrator最具创新原型奖, 2020

3.Su, S. W. (1/5); 鱼的气味可视化 Visualization of the smell of fish,Data Arena奖 (Data Arena Presentation Award), 2017

4.Su, S. W.; 优秀博士毕业生导师 (学生姓名:Ahmadreza Reza), 校长嘉奖名单, 悉尼科技大学,2011.2014.2017.